Well, it looks like the round is over, and I have to say that I'm so fucking glad. This has been absolutely exhausting.
The challenge for the round was based on building fires against the opposing team while protecting your own team by dousing
the fire with water. This was done by assembling slider-esque puzzles. I include the "esque" in there because this was very
misleading. After spending hours building all of our fire puzzles using the slider format, we were informed that we could've
actually moved whatever blocks we wanted... So that was a slap in the face. Unfortunately, that's not all we were hit with.
We were also informed the the blocks didn't have to be next to each other to be switched... The real challenge wasn't the puzzles or
logic, but reading into the tricks in the vague rules. So basically, the odds were NOT in our favor for this challenge.
The rules honestly threw us off... We were also screwed by the fact that we did all of our puzzles extremely early. This gave
the other tribe all the time in the world to douse our fires, but gave us no opportunity for points. Before we knew it, the five
points we had gathered by building those fires were GONE!
Once we figured out the rules, we were dousing fires like crazy quick. Unfortunately, we didn't wait for Liberty to finish one of
their puzzles completely, leading us to have all of our work deleted. Afterwords though... the strangest thing happened.
Even though all of our water posts were gone, they still weren't posting their final piece? What the hell, right? What the hell,
indeed. We quickly figured out their little trick. They were going to wait until the challenge ended to post their final piece...
Leaving us with NO time to post the water puzzle to douse their fire. We were done for.
BUT unfortunately for them, my tribe is full of amazing people. We weren't about to just let all of those hours of work go to waste.
Ryan, Ellen, and I (the RED alliance), came up with this genius plan. I knew I could get this puzzle solved in only a few moves,
so we just had to find some way to get it posted in less than a minute. Ryan and Ellen jointly came up with the idea of pasting
the puzzles in multiple tabs and quickly submitting them, then heading over to the chat to type the next person's name in
(whenever you type someone's name in the chat, it BEEPs them). This notified us to get our asses up and post the next
part of the puzzle. We even practiced once or twice, and sure enough, our plan was fool-proof!
The only thing that could stop us was Chase (the person with the duty of posting the last piece to their puzzle) posting too
late for us to do anything... We basically needed the puzzle posted by at least 11:59, so we'd have a full minute to post.
Because if he posts even a few seconds after midnight, the likelihood of us making 6 posts in <60 seconds is slim.
Starting at 11:50 pm, the Ellis chat went silent and everyone was refreshing the page frequently... We were on Chase-Watch.
Minute after minute went by with no sign of him... Finally, OUR SAVING GRACE CAME! Chase signed on and stupidly posted
the final piece of the puzzle at 11:58 pm, leaving us two minutes to post the 6-move solution. This was more than enough time.
Sure enough, our master plan was a SUCCESS! At that point, everyone was super excited and shat themselves.
(Couldn't find a gif of someone shitting themselves... Sorry)
By dousing their last fire, the final score was 0-0 and it came down to the average time spent on the puzzles. Seeing as they
had just left that puzzle open for 3 hours to wait for midnight, we were pretty confident that we had it in the bag!
We had to wait a couple of hours, but results went up and WE WERE VICTORIOUS! Our second victory in a row. Actually...
it was our second CLUTCH victory in a row! Our navigators from the last challenge barely gave us the victory in Round 1... :x
Needless to say, I'm super excited that all the hard work we (I) put into that challenge paid off! Even though I was the one
doing all the puzzles and just labeling was they need to quote and repost before I deleted my post... Whatever! The rules
didn't allow me to win by myself so I'm thankful my team was active enough to be there for me to win again